
A new chapbook from HORSE LESS PRESS!

by Sampson Starkweather

Learn more about it here:

Buy it here:

Coming soon: chapbooks from Sommer Browning, Chris Tonelli & Sarah Bartlett.

And only 43 more days to submit work for our response/collaboration anthology:


HORSE LESS PRESS will publish a print anthology in 2008. THE THEME is response. WE ARE INTERESTED in the following 1) writings that respond to, collaborate with, collage from, extend, elaborate, etc. a piece of writing that HAS APPEARED in horse less review, 2) COLLABORATIONS WITH WRITERS who've been published by horse less press or review, 3) BEGINNINGS, FRAGMENTS, PROPOSALS, HALF-MADE WORKS which desire some attention. We may also be interested in collaborative or response-based writings that do not fall into these categories. Please query early if you have an idea. SUBMISSIONS GO to horselessresponse at gmail dot com. Our deadline is January 31, 2008. Send work IN THE BODY of email or as a single word, rtf, or pdf file. IN A COVER letter please tell us a little about yourself and a little about the work you are submitting. PLEASE CLARIFY whether your submission falls into category 1, 2, 3. If #1, MAKE SURE you identify the source work. IF YOU NEED MORE information, visit our website or send questions to the above email address.


Dear Friends,

Please stop by and get your copy of Alex Lemon's brand new horse less chapbook, AT LAST UNFOLDING CONGO.


The most recent postal rate increase means we're adding a $1 shipping charge to our books, but wait! Why don't you avoid the shipping cost by getting yourself a 6-book or 12-book subscription! Titles and purchasing info on the chapbook page.


Don't forget our upcoming collaboration/response anthology: the call for submissions is pasted below. If you've got an idea that doesn't fit into one of the submission categories listed, tell us about it! We are very open-minded.

Coming soon: chapbooks from Sampson Starkweather, Sommer Browning, Sarah Bartlett & Chris Tonelli.


HORSE LESS PRESS will publish a print anthology in 2008. THE THEME is response. WE ARE INTERESTED in the following 1) writings that respond to, collaborate with, collage from, extend, elaborate, etc. a piece of writing that HAS APPEARED in horse less review, 2) COLLABORATIONS WITH WRITERS who've been published by horse less press or review, 3) BEGINNINGS, FRAGMENTS, PROPOSALS, HALF-MADE WORKS which desire some attention. We may also be interested in collaborative or response-based writings that do not fall into these categories. Please query early if you have an idea. SUBMISSIONS GO to horselessresponse at gmail dot com. Our deadline is January 31, 2008. Send work IN THE BODY of email or as a single word, rtf, or pdf file. IN A COVER letter please tell us a little about yourself and a little about the work you are submitting. PLEASE CLARIFY whether your submission falls into category 1, 2, 3. If #1, MAKE SURE you identify the source work. IF YOU NEED MORE information, visit our website or send questions to the above email address.


Below is a call for submissions from HORSE LESS PRESS for our first print anthology. Please forward or link to it far and wide! Our schedule has shifted a little, so we've extended the deadline for submissions to January 31.

Additionally, our mailing list has been disappeared! Whether you were on the old list or not, if you'd like to receive somewhat regular -- but not at all overwhelming -- notices from HORSE LESS PRESS, please email horselesssubmissions@gmail.com with "subscribe" in the subject line.

Coming soon: chapbooks from Alex Lemon and Sampson Starkweather.


HORSE LESS PRESS will publish a print anthology in 2008. THE THEME is response. WE ARE INTERESTED in the following 1) writings that respond to, collaborate with, collage from, extend, elaborate, etc. a piece of writing that HAS APPEARED in horse less review, 2) COLLABORATIONS WITH WRITERS who've been published by horse less press or review, 3) BEGINNINGS, FRAGMENTS, PROPOSALS, HALF-MADE WORKS which desire some attention. We may also be interested in collaborative or response-based writings that do not fall into these categories. Please query early if you have an idea. SUBMISSIONS GO to horselessresponse at gmail dot com. Our deadline is January 31, 2008. Send work IN THE BODY of email or as a single word, rtf, or pdf file. IN A COVER letter please tell us a little about yourself and a little about the work you are submitting. PLEASE CLARIFY whether your submission falls into category 1, 2, 3. If #1, MAKE SURE you identify the source work. IF YOU NEED MORE information, visit our website or send questions to the above email address.
